Tuesday, July 13, 2010


Heyy, so you notice how some peribahasa and idioms 'slash' proverbs share the same meanings?? Yea, some are translated using the method of literal translation, and some are translated using transposition (in which some words are changed into the nearest words/phrases but still deliver the same meanings) and maybe some are translated using some kind of methods. Hehe. I'll list down some peribahasa or Idioms/Proverbs in a bit. And see if you can tell which idiom/proverb is which peribahasa and vice versa.

And behold, my example

1) Musuh di dalam selimut - A snake in the grass
2) Cinta itu buta - Love is blind
3) Di mana ada kemahuan, di situ ada jalan - When there is a will, there is a way
4) Masa itu emas - Time is money
5) Peluang tidak datang bergolek - Opportunity seldom knocks twice
6) Siapa cepat, dia dapat - An early bird catches the worm
7) Bersatu teguh, bercerai roboh - United we stand, divided we fall
8) Bertegang urat - oAt each ther's throats
9) Sarung nangka - Bad shape
10) Bagai isi dan kuku - Cheek by jowl

Methods and approaches of translation

There are basically eight methods and approaches for Translation. *Drumrollllll* They are;

a) Literal Translation - this is the process where you (translator/user) translate words or phrases literally word-by- word without really follow any grammatical rules.

b) Borrowing - is basically the taking of words directly from one language into another. For instance, 'teknologi' into 'technology'.

c) Transference - is translating words to another language but remain some words without any changes. For instance, you translate words from Bahasa into English, yet you remain the word 'batik' as it is in Bahasa.

d) Calque - is a phrase borrowed from another language and is translated into another language word-by-word.

e) Oblique - The combinations of all the approaches for there are words that cannot be translated using all these approaches, hence, we use oblique.

f) Transposition - When you translate SL (source language) into TL (target language) using the nearest approach to come across the same meaning.

g) Moduation - This is when a translator translates words by using his/her own competence and understanding, but the meaning of the words are still the same.

h) Adaptation / Equivalence - Take the word 'equivalence' which means 'perumpamaan' such as bagai, seperti and bak. So it is usually used when it involves idioms and proverbs.